Wednesday, September 28, 2005

12-step Program Introductions

My name is Dave, and I'm . . .

a Christian man

an obsessive White Sox fan. Really. There are only 16 of us left. We should start an actual support group. 12 steps might not be enough. In fact, this is enough to warrant its own blog.

a slightly less obsessive IU Hoops fan. At least I have rabid, state-wide fan base with me on this one.

a Bears/IU Football/Bulls fan, but only on "healthy" levels. When I say "healthy," I mean the feminine definition. I can miss a few games without breaking out in hives, and the games don't affect the quality of my day. Plenty of men would say that means I'm not much of a fan, and I'd agree with them. But let's not split hairs.

a sports radio addict.

an undiscovered jazz singer. Yep, I croon. If you're reading this and happen to own a jazz club, please pay me to sing.

a rageaholoic. I just can't live without rageahol! OK, that's not true. But I do love The Simpsons. And Family Guy. And Bugs Bunny. And the Cartoon Network show with the talking meatball and goateed french fries. I have no shame about being 26 and liking cartoons.

a grammar dork. Dangling prepositions bug the hell out of me. My family hates this.

overqualified for unemployment, but underqualified for really good (read: high-paying) jobs.

funnier than this post probably makes me seem.

If you're wondering why you should care about any of these things, I can't really blame you. This is really just a first brief foray into writing, and I'm not sure if any of these things will come up again in this blog. Except sports. Count on reading about sports again. I'll try to post relatively regularly, but mostly I'll just be using this forum to jot down thoughts, opinions, rants, and funny stories. Here's hoping that this is interesting and fun, even if it's just for me.


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