Thursday, September 29, 2005

Nickname Reference Page

Since I won't be referring to people by name, here are relevant nicknames of my friends along with brief descriptions. This page will be updated as new folks are included in posts/stories.

Bogus - Friend since high school and Mormon convert. Once inspired the funniest question my mother ever asked: "Dave, Bogus likes girls . . . right?" Now happily married. To a woman.

Buddies - College roommate and fraternity brother. My football tutor. Alternate nickname: Uncle Fuzzy

Coco - A good friend from IU. My age, but married with three kids. Surreal.

Don Juan - High school buddy. Parlayed band geekdom into a teaching career. Pays rent to his mom.

The HCN - Short for the Hot Canadian Nurse. She's my girlfriend, and you can't have any details. It's one of the rules.

JB - College roommate. Former boss. Former landlord. Cub fan. And yet, we still get along.

Mayor - Kalamazoo Kid and a literal redheaded stepchild. Takes video games too seriously. Way too seriously. Two things on his body are larger than normal. It wouldn't be polite to mention what they are. But they're real, and they're spectacular.

Nappy - Appropriately named Kalamazoo Kid. Has a penchant for less than classy women. Alternate nickname: Beer Goggles Fabio, because drunk girls won't leave him alone.

P$ - Current roommate. Shares my love of two-dollar words. I'm openly jealous of his hair.

Pookie - 5'5" and round. The elder statesman of the Kalamazoo Kids. Any mention of him as "my Kraut-Mick friend" is a Godfather reference, and not an ethnic slur. I promise.

Scarface - Kalamazoo Kid. The best-looking man I know. It's a little disturbing. Completely deaf in his left ear. You can shout into it and he won't even flinch. I know because I try it almost every time I see him. I'm easily amused.

Solid - Former coworker and old roommate. Likes the sauce, loves the ladies. Especially the ladies who love the sauce.


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